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Official opening Qixia Fruit Auction Center

The Qixia Fruit Auction Center was founded in 2013 by the China Fruit Marketing Organisation, Yantai Huteng Real Estate and Qixia Defeng Food. This initial Chinese fruit auction – based in Shandong – was constructed on a 12,2 hectares area and has cost about 207 million RMB. The Qixia Fruit Auction Center was officially opened in October 2016. Around Qixia, some 20.000 growers grow about 2 billion kilos of apples.
Aucxis supplied the equipment and electronics for a complete auction room for 192 buyers. The two clocks are visualised through P4 multi-colour LED technology. The sale catalogue is supplied by the local back office software.
After the opening in October 2016, a total volume of 3,2 tonnes of fruit was sold in this auction center, representing a value of 16 million RMB. This auction model is recognised by both the buyers and the sellers and the volume of transactions keeps increasing. The average daily transaction volume is 71 tonnes of fruit.