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Veiling Holambra expands its LED clock wall and invests in remote buying

As the flower and plant auction Holambra in Brazil keeps on growing, the installation of a 4th and 5th clock on its LED wall was required. Furthermore, several box buyers started to use the LAN remote buying installation on premise to test the effectiveness of remote buying.
A few weeks ago, the 4th clock was officially taken into operation. For now, the space of the 5th clock is used during the sale to inform buyers which products are still available in real time. During our installation visit we also replaced the last Windows 7 PCs, so the computer network is future ready as well.
“In addition to better meeting the customers’ needs, the installation of the additional clock provides greater agility to this important commercial tool based on the supply and demand of products”, Mr. Jorge Possato Teixeira, CEO at Veiling Holambra explains. “The additional clock will also help to reduce the duration of auctions (estimated by about 30%) and the permanence within the gallery.
First steps to remote buying

On top of the expansion and modernisation of the clock wall and PCs, Veiling Holambra is investing in a remote buyer platform that is linked to its current auction system. Using the remote buying option, a user from a distance (ex. at his company) has identically the same buying prices and opportunities as a buyer who is physically present in the auction room.
Remote buying has been on Holambra’s wish list for quite some time. Now that the Internet connections are more stable with faster response time (5G), the time is right to move forward. “Hybrid auctions will make the clock sale more flexible and enhanced, providing greater competition and increased customer participation within the clock system”, Mr. Possato Teixeira clarifies Holambra’s decision. “We are convinced that dynamism and technology will boost the market.”
“Of course, the integration of remote buying will happen one step at a time, allowing the customers to get used to the system,” Patrick Bauwens, Business Unit Manager E-Trade at Aucxis adds. “A number of big buyers have their own small office on the auction premises – the so-called ‘box buyers’ – so it’s a logical choice for them to be the first ones to test the participation to a sale from a distance. Moving forward, other (international) remote buyers will be able to buy from outside the auction complex as well: the physical distance to the auction premises won’t matter anymore.”