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The CCIMBO is prepared for the use of KOSMOS
After a thorough functional analysis, several months of development and testing, we gave the customer a first KOSMOS training. In the meantime, we are working hard on the centralised sale.

At the end of last year, the CCIMBO took the first step to make the switch of its 6 fish auctions to the online trading platform KOSMOS. After a thorough functional analysis, several months of development and testing, the first training to all those responsible of the CCIMBO was successfully completed.
Phase 1 of the project – the centralised sale of all “blue fish” – can be started soon with KOSMOS. It’s the aim to complete this phase before the end of the year.
The auction staff continues to perform tests with our assistance and is looking forward to the next step towards real-time purchase and sale from any location.
In 2022 the new hardware for phase 2 will be further tackled such as the network, new input terminals with touchscreens, control of the conveyor belts, cameras for pictures of the fish, LED panels for the clocks, ticket printers etc. Afterwards, all supply – centralised via KOSMOS – can be sold from any auction.
We continue working on this ambitious project with great enthusiasm!