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The CCIMBO (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Métropolitaine Bretagne Ouest) modernises its fish auctions with the KOSMOS digital trading platform

The ongoing digital transformation is a hot topic, also within fish auctions. In this context, the CCIMBO launched a tender for the modernisation of its 6 fish auctions in Brittany. The contract has been awarded to Aucxis, who will digitise the fish auctions by implementing KOSMOS from 2021 onwards.
The CCIMBO has 6 fish auctions: Le Guilvinec, Saint Guénolé, Douarnenez, Concarneau, Loctudy and Audierne. They trade every year 50 000 tonnes of fish to 220 buyers, originating from 450 vessels. Even though the sale varies according to the type of auction, the urge for new digital systems is felt everywhere. In recent years, the supplier’s and buyer’s requirements have evolved strongly to remote buying by means of a web browser or smartphone.
As a partner for many years in auction automation, Aucxis has developed KOSMOS, the digital trading platform in the cloud. This standard and generic platform allows an easy real-time purchase and sale. Even though KOSMOS is a standard platform, it is taking into account the various needs of every auction within the network. The platform is available everywhere and to everyone, allowing buyers and auctioneers to communicate even better with each other and to improve the data flow.
After a thorough analysis, the modernisation of the sales systems will take place step by step. The terms and conditions of sale per fish species, as well as the different types of hardware, such as weighing terminals and conveyor belts, being an integral part of the process, will be taken into account.
The final purpose is the implementation of a complete online platform, which is easy-to-use and available everywhere to anyone, connecting the 6 fish auctions with each other and enhancing the efficiency of the current structures and processes.
This project was cofinanced by:

Steff Lyssens, Account Manager, Aucxis: “KOSMOS will create added value for buyers and auctioneers and will allow the CCIMBO to make a significant technological leap forward, thus becoming a leader in the constantly changing digital economy.”