Selling methods

Selling methods
Traditionally the sale or purchase can be effected in different ways.

Products can be auctioned, with the price determined by Dutch auction or by rising bid. They can be offered in a catalogue or via a web shop at a fixed price. The price can also be established by mediation.

Today KOSMOS offers the following 5 selling methods:

  • Electronic registration
  • Falling price (Dutch auction)
  • Rising price
  • Combination of falling and rising price
  • Rising bid

Electronic registration

The simplest way of computerising the sale is registering the purchases, made during a shout auction, on an industrial input terminal, handheld or tablet PC.

Sale with falling price (Dutch auction)

In case of a Dutch auction, the seller determines a starting price from which the price moves down until a buyer stops the auction clock by pushing his buy button.

Sale with rising price

The rising price mechanism means that the price automatically rises from a predefined starting price. Next, buyers press the button if their desired price is reached. They can do this several times, as long as the price rises. The definitive price is determined at the moment when there are no more additional buying actions within a certain time period. In other words, the product is assigned to the last active bidder.

Sale via combination of falling and rising price

The falling and rising price selling mechanisms can also be combined. The price goes down from the starting price and when a buyer stops the price decrease, the other buyers have the possibility to raise the price, for example by continuously pressing a buy button. Also here the definitive price is determined by the last active buyer within a certain time period.

Sale via rising bid

In case of rising bid, the buyer has several buy buttons on his PC which represents a value set by the auction. The sale starts at a certain starting price, after which the buyers have the possibility to raise the price within a predefined time by pressing the buy buttons. The definitive price is determined at the moment when there are no more additional bidding actions within the time period. In other words, the product is assigned to the last active bidder.

It is also possible to buy on the mobile auction clock, the Moby-Clock, via the rising bid principle; this by means of a key with set value on the wireless RC-6 buy button.

Additional selling methods

In the future, additional modules will be developed for contract sale, web shop, mediation, …

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