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From shout auction to Aucxis Web Clock at Brixham Trawler Agents

On 3 July 2018, Brixham Trawler Agents ordered the brand-new Aucxis Web Clock. This innovative auction solution offers the possibility to the buyers to buy through a standard PC, iPad or smartphone, both on site in the auction room and at a distance.
The end of the shout auction
With the introduction of the Aucxis Web Clock, the fish market keeps in step with today’s technology and that is why the traditional shout auction will now be replaced by a web-based auction system for 2 clocks and corresponding app.
In addition to buying, the system offers, among others, the possibility to both buyers and vessel owners to retrieve general statistics or personal information through the information portal, for example purchase overviews of a selected day or period, average price overviews of one or several species or other useful reports.
Cloud services
The Aucxis Web Clock is an auction system which is running in the cloud and where the auction employees, buyers and vessel owners can connect with the platform from their PC, laptop, iPad or smartphone through an internet connection. This means that users can use the system, whether or not mobile, as long as an internet connection is present.
The cloud services provide the following:
- The necessary powerful web servers which are – upon request – easily extendable according to the platform’s success.
- A good internet connection with backup line which is also easily extendable.
- 100% safe backup of the vital data of the customer.
- Good protection against hackers.
- The necessary running spare machines in case of failure of a web server and this geographically spread.
- 24h/24h control and monitoring.
These cloud services take away the customer’s worries and guarantee that the auction system can continuously run.
Flexible, generic auction concept
This new web-based auction platform can work completely independently; this means that all functions needed to organise an auction with different clocks are available. Depending on the project details, Aucxis configures how many clocks, landing places, fish markets are using the platform, which fish markets are collaborating within one network, which fish market is operating independently etc. Each auction needs to determine all different users and their user rights and roles.
Each auction or network of auctions can configure its own products and the corresponding product description fields and compose different catalogues. Only once, one needs to decide how the screen of the buyer and auctioneer has to look like.
The Aucxis Web Clock is a very generic platform, which ensures that Aucxis can still offer a flexible solution per project, not by reprogramming the software, but by configuring the integrated functions according to the customer’s wishes.
Future-oriented and applicable in other sectors
By proactively following and integrating technological developments, Aucxis can always offer new leading auction solutions to its customers. The added value that the web-based generic concept offers, has already attracted the interest from several auctions in the fishing industry.
Some additional future-oriented software modules will be developed, such as a web shop and back office package. At the request of the market, the standard platform will regularly be updated with interesting extra functionalities.
The Aucxis Web Clock is introduced in the fishing industry, but obviously the concept is also applicable in other sectors, for example the flower, fruit and vegetable industry.
More news on the practical implementation of this brand-new Aucxis product will follow shortly!