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After the presentation of the package, we determine together with you which formula best suits your needs. For each formula, specific steps need to be followed for the final implementation of the package.
The standard version of the KOSMOS package.
The standard version of the KOSMOS package extended with interface.
Customised KOSMOS package.
The standard version of the KOSMOS package.
In this formula, KOSMOS works completely standalone without any links to other applications.
The functionalities needed are provided by default in KOSMOS and are configured through the available parameters.
After performing tests and a thorough training of your employees, you can start training the buyers by organising test auctions. After this, the KOSMOS environment can be taken into production according to the agreements made. During the first 3 days of sales, a KOSMOS expert will closely monitor the launch of the auction platform, ensuring quick support, if necessary.
Given the numerous advantages and the flexibility, we advise to install the KOSMOS environment in the cloud. However, if desired, we can also deliver and install the necessary servers on which KOSMOS will run. These servers will be integrated in your local network.
The ordered hardware will be delivered according to the concept agreements and then connected and tested to ensure its proper functioning (PCs, supply terminals, tablets, printer kiosks, ticket printers, auction room equipment, LED clock walls, projectors, TVs etc.).
Time of delivery: A quick rollout is possible.
The standard version of the KOSMOS package extended with interface.
KOSMOS GO PLUS = KOSMOS GO with the following extras:
If you wish to establish an interface with your back-office package or with other software packages or if you want a specific software solution around KOSMOS, we prepare a functional analysis for the interface and/or the desired applications. Next, we send you a custom quote with a correct estimation of the development hours which will be required.
After receipt of the order, we start the development. Once the development is finished and internally tested, KOSMOS will be installed.
Time of delivery: A quick rollout is possible because such software changes are not related to the development of new KOSMOS software releases.
Customised KOSMOS package.
KOSMOS FLEX = KOSMOS GO PLUS with the following extras:
If the standard functionalities of the KOSMOS package are insufficient to meet all your needs, you can opt for a customised KOSMOS package.
In this formula, we start with a GAP-FIT analysis, whether or not in combination with a 6-month KOSMOS tryout phase.
GAP/FIT analysis
The deviations or additional functionalities you wish to integrate in KOSMOS are written down in a GAP-FIT analysis, providing the input required to elaborate a correct offer. As a GAP-FIT analysis does not yet include all the details, a detailed functional and technical analysis will be carried out during the project which is based on the GAP-FIT analysis.
6-month KOSMOS tryout phase
In case you opt for a 6-month KOSMOS tryout period, Aucxis will configure the standard functionalities in such a way that the package corresponds as closely as possible to your wishes and/or your current way of working.
After following a training, your team can try out the KOSMOS package thoroughly and give internal demos to various employees (the sales team, product specialists, quality control teams, etc.). Not only the internal employees, but also buyers and suppliers can be informed in detail about a possible integration of KOSMOS.
In this way, all stakeholders are informed about KOSMOS and its functioning on the one hand and the internal tests and demonstrations may result in additional input (interesting ideas, extra functionalities) for the GAP/FIT analysis on the other hand.
KOSMOS adaptation
Once the order is placed for the adaptation of the KOSMOS package, the desired adaptations will be integrated and tested in one of the scheduled KOSMOS versions.
Usually, Aucxis rolls out two new versions per year, in June and in December. Each KOSMOS version has a certain number of development hours for the internal and project-based ordered KOSMOS adjustments. Once all hours are used for that KOSMOS version, subsequent ordered or requested development hours will be scheduled in the next KOSMOS version.
Thorough testing and training
Phase 1
On site testing of the platform. Training for the auctioneer and auction employees, using the “train the trainer” principle. Hardware and hardware connections are tested, if applicable. Further optimisations are determined.
Phase 2
The new optimisations are tested and remote assistance is provided. Additional optimisations are determined (if applicable).
Phase 3
The last optimisations are tested. The final tests on site take place.

Customer service
Aucxis has a customer service available 24 hours a day. As all engineering and all software and hardware is realised by our own experts, all project knowledge is available in-house. This makes a big difference in case your system requires interventions, upgrades or scaling-ups.
During the office hours, you can report failures directly to our permanent service team processing, following up and managing your reporting.
Our experts are at your service
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