
A first! Remote software and hardware installation of new auction system

For the first time in our 35 years of existence, we have realised the complete installation of an auction system from our offices.

The corona crisis forces companies to offer innovative, creative solutions. This is no different for Aucxis. For the first time in our 35 years of existence, we have realised the complete installation of an auction system from our offices.

At the end of last year, Aucxis was called in to realise the automation of the date auction of Unaizah in Saudi Arabia. It was important for the customer to be able to take the auction system into service before the start of the date season, which lasts only three months.

Due to COVID-19, we were not allowed to travel to Saudi Arabia. Small software updates are often performed remotely, but complete new software installations normally take place on the customer’s site. Also for the installation of the hardware – in this case a Moby Clock (a mobile auction system with the necessary radiographic buyer buttons), industrial input terminals with integrated ticket printers and info kiosks – and the corresponding training, our Field Engineers always go on site.

The corona crisis forced us to proceed to the complete remote installation and trainings, which required extra efforts from both Aucxis and the customer.

Plan of action and result

As always, the material was shipped to the customer. Once on site and unpacked, the necessary virtual days for installation were organised via Teams. An IT team of the customer installed the hardware according to Aucxis’ instructions given via the camera. Also the software installation and the configurations took place remotely. Despite the corona pandemic, the customer was able to start using its auction system at the planned time.

Although we still prefer physical contact with the customer during the installation of a project – as it is just easier to analyse and solve any issues on site – we are pleased that we were able to meet the deadline in this manner.

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